Getting Fit for your Trip with Fitness Apps
Before traveling I typically try and 'train for the trip', if it is climbing at high altitudes, or walking a half marathon; it is important to prepare your body for the amount of walking and activities you are going to be doing. It is hard to get the motivation to do so before you go on your trip, but using Fitness apps can help with that. Here are a few fitness apps that I have found extremely useful in getting me and keeping me on track.

This has always been my 'go to' app when I realize that my eating habits are getting out of control. You can track water, food, calories, workouts, steps and Macro percentages. This gives you a well rounded view of what you are actually putting into your amazing machine we call the human body. Take care of it now so you don't lose your entire life savings trying to maintain it later (or at least that is what I keep telling myself and my patients).

Make bets against yourself! This was one of the more intriguing Fitness Apps I found. You make a wager against yourself of what you would like to achieve with your weight loss goal. Then you get started with weight, time constraint, and make your bet. If you meet your goal, you get your money back AND THEY MATCH YOU & pay you via PayPal! If you lose, well..... then say bye bye to that money.
Money is always a great motivator for me --- get paid to lose weight right?! Sounds almost too good to be true.

Just like HealthyWage, but the stakes are even higher, some payouts going as high as $1000 --- so if you have that lofty goal that you know you can reach, well then.... this one could be a huge moneymaker for you

Charity Miles
I always like to join the Thanksgiving Turkey Trot for the Food Bank here for the Thanksgiving Holiday. Its a way to remember what the holiday is really for to me at least. This app lets you do the same thing! The app will pay you 10 cents for every mile you walk and all the proceeds will go to the charity of your choice! Charities that are the most popular seem to be The Wounded Warrior Project and Habitat for Humanity.
Zombies, RUN!
So this one sounds super interesting to me! I'm a total Zombie fan (think World War Z not Walking Dead). This app simulates a real zombie attack and gives you tasks and things you have to do that are active to protect your campout and your life. Such a fun little game, especially for those of us who love Halloween time :)

When my workout mix starts to get boring, my workouts start dragging as well. So this little gem provides beats to sync with your workout that you can plan beforehand, then it will match a song and beat per minute (bpm) to the intensity of the workout that you are doing. So many fun apps to try!

Under Armor Map My Ride/Walk/Hike/Run
If you are planning to hike up Kilimanjaro, Walk the streets of Scotland, or Trek across the Sahara desert -- you may want to gauge how far you are going before you leave to help prepare you physically for your trip.
These Fitness Apps allow you to track in real time... how far you ride, bike, hike, or walk. You can save your walks, follow others paths of where they walked/hiked. I use this App all the time to help plan my biking route to make sure I get enough time, elevation, and distance in.

Yoga Wake up:
I have it on my vision board that I want to get better at doing Yoga, so this one is on my list as well. You set you alarm on this one to the time you typically get up in the morning. It provides you with a 10 minute yoga flow to get that blood flowing and start the day off with an excellent sun salutation. I mean 10 minutes guys, that's how much time you spend Facebook or Instagram stalking before you finally peel yourself out of bed right?

Life sum
I'm a people pleaser, but this one would be nice to have the reminders of what my goals are for my health. This will send you daily reminders and motivational clips to keep your fitness goals for your upcoming vacation body going.

Thrive Market
This is the Amazon store for those who like clean eating and organic eating. It does have a yearly fee though of $59.95 (BUMMER)-- but you simply add each item to your cart, it finds the best deals around you and has it shipped to your door, ultimately saving you quite a bit of money (and your gut from all those GMO products).

Want to have a personal nutritionist at your fingertips? Try this one (yes there is a fee darn it) but for $14.95 per month to have someone analyze my meals for me and help me make those changes I need to make to get rid of this belly of mine, well, it seems worth it to try it out right?

My Sugar
As a Health Care Professional, I would highly recommend this to all those of you who may suffer from Diabetes. Your doctor asks you for a log of your blood sugars anyway, so why not just pop this handy app into your mobile device. You input your food, and it tells you how it will effect your blood sugar levels. You can also keep track of your blood sugar levels as well and it will help you construct a definitive plan to help you remain feeling at your best.

All Trails - Hiking and Running
This is a wonderful App that I use all the time here in Utah. It has the best recommendations on Hiking length, difficulty, trail conditions, and so much more. If you are preparing for a hike while on your trip, or are going to a mountainous area but live in a town that is flat. I definitely recommend this app to prepare you for your unique circumstances while traveling.
If you aren't the technically savvy kind, then I would suggest Tosca Reno's "Eat Clean Diet Cookbook" -- I recommend this to all my Diabetic patients because it is from a Nutritionist that thoroughly explains what bad carbs vs good carbs are, clean meat vs meat that can literally clog the arteries over time. I like it because it provided me with a base of which I can make better food choices in the recipes that I choose; a 'this instead of that' approach instead of a 'just don't eat that or this, and this has too much of that in it - so don't eat that either' approach. Now that you have the tools, let's get out there and start getting healthy for our next trip. One of these days I actually will take that dream trip and climb to the Everest Base Camp or hike up Mount Kilimanjaro; and when I do, I hope that my only physical limitation is that I don't have wings ;) Happy Travels, Happy Tales, and see you on the flip side.
Would you add any other Fitness Apps to this list?
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Welcome to Culture Trekking!
My name is Janiel, I specialize in solo female travel, cultural connections, sustainable adventures, food and history to help make your travel experiences fun, meaningful, and delicious. My experience in travel, and my personal story have allowed me to get published in Fodor's Travel, Atlas Obscura, Metro.co.uk, Trip Advisor, and multiple Podcast interviews. You can find me on pretty much every social media channel YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, TikTok. To read more about me and my story click here. If you are a brand and would like to work with me, click here.